Children struggle with
Auxiliary verbs
Grammar tenses
Indefinite/ definite article
Adults unconsciously converge towards the child’s language.
Parents talk to their children as if they understand.
18 months- 50 odd words are known (context dependent)
Mainly nouns
Some words but pronounced differently ‘’see-saw.’’
Sexism? Girls are encouraged ‘’clever girl’’, boys are
expected to be clever.
Lots of onomatopoeia ‘’moo moo’’ ‘’baa baa’’
Two and a half years- slight conversation
Nursery rhymes are popular, they allow children to talk for
30 seconds or longer in one go.
Adults set the agenda for the conversation by asking
3 years old
possessive pronouns are learnt
3/4/5 years
start to understand tense
compound syntax (two main clauses joined by
5 years
More aware of external influences
100,000 words as an adult
Young children go off on side sequence.