Sunday 8 September 2013

Text about me

I enjoy spending time thinking. I mean, so many people take the world for granted right? Just the little things, like the way the wind whistles so innocently through the trees on a morning. It’s pretty amazing when you think about it. I like having time to just breathe, and take everything in. When you consider how much everybody rushes around on a daily basis, trying to get everything done as fast as they can, in the amount of time it takes for the sun to rise and set throughout the day. The worlds actually a pretty spectacular place. How it can inhabit so many life forms that have evolved to survive, hunt and live in harmony with each other.  I guess I sometimes like to question the world in a different perspective, imagining what it’s like to be able to soar through the sky like a bird, having the ability to go places that I could only dream of experiencing. I always end up spending large amounts of time, just pondering on my thoughts and attempting to appreciate the simple things life has to give.  When thinking about myself however, and the things I want to aspire to be in the future I always picture myself as a business manager.  Having the authority to make important decisions that determine the future of something that I feel passionate about, something that i enjoy. Being depended on for results, regardless of the difficulties of high pressures.  In a certain sense I enjoy the idea of having a challenge put in front of me because it can only mean I either learn or become a stronger person from it. Life throws many challenges at us, whether they have a good or bad outcome, I believe that everything happens for a reason and therefore you should appreciate every single precious moment on this planet.


  1. So I was just reading this blog and kinda taking it all in like normal, and then I stopped for a moment and I was like 'Wow, I never really read a blog like this before!' and it just made me think about the internet and all the things that come from it like flame wars and hack groups but then it made me appreciate the little things like similes, and I thought wow this is literally a metaphor. I guess what I'm trying to say really though is how it's the little things that count but at the same time the big things can't be ignored either, right?

  2. Exactly that! There are so many 'big' things in this world such as wars and technology that i think that people dont necesarily spend as much time as they should just admiring the simpler things that come with it all.

  3. I agree with what you are saying because, I think that maybe people take the small things in life for granted, because they are too wrapped up in the 'big' things in life. i found the blog also very interesting because it's coming from an angle of thinking that I have never really considered before...

  4. i beleive that people take quite a lot of things in life for granted because they dont realise the true beauty and potential in the simple things that it has to give. But if you just step back for a moment and look at your surroundings there are so many things to appreciate rather than materialistic objects that give joy for a few years and then become outdated or have no true meaning. When you think about it, the world is actually a very spectacular place to live.

  5. Good attitude! I agree. Balance in all things leads to satisfaction and appreciation of life.
