Monday 27 January 2014

Samsung F300 advert

The advert featuring Beyonce uses many techniques including Synthetic Personalisation in the way that it adresses the audience as a whole, as individuals. The advert uses things such as ''your personality.'' This is a way in which the writer can use language to make the reader feel as if the text is aimed specifically at them where as a matter of fact they are actually aiming it at a large number of people. This attracts people to be more inclined to buy the product as they are convinced through the language used that this is the right thing for them as it makes it more personal. By using the first person pronoun 'your' the writer is essentially portraying that they know the person and what they want from the product.

The advert also uses the picture to tie into the language. This is due to the fact that they have used words like ''Dual'' which means two and therefore the picture features Beyonce twice and gives the connection between the written language. Also many people like to be known as being complex and having 'two sides' to their personality, this is a good motivational scheme as they think that well know celebrities such as Beyonce can relate and also feel the same.

It has also been used as an advertising scheme too promote Beyonce's album as they have a picture of it in the bottom left hand corner with the caption ''Beyonce B'day Deluxe Album in stores now.'' This gives it the sense of a younger target audience which would be the type of people that would buy Beyonce's new album and the type that would maybe buy the phone. It also ties in with the fact that the phone is being advertised as a music player and Beyonce is well known for her part within the music industry.

Monday 20 January 2014

My mini technology investigation

I have noticed from analysing my research that many over 40 year olds use abreviations in their texts. Aswell as this i saw that they use puncuation more frequently than the younger generation. Texts such as ''Ok. Will find out how much n let u know k. Xx' show that they are more interested in the convience of shortening their words than how the text is portrayed by the reader. By using shortened words is gives the text a more informal feel. This is due to the fact that by using lengthened words is shows that time and care has been taken when thinking about what and how to write it. The more frequent use of punctuation in the text by older generations may be to do with the fact that when they were growing up there was a less dominant use of texting and instant messaging therefore they were accustomed to writing in with length letters which involveed puntuation so they use it more in texts.

Another thing that i noticed in the texts is that the reasoning behind using abbreviations is to make social networking quicker and simpler. It gives people ease when writing things that do not need to be spelt properly and in full length. It also became clear that this is the way people think, as they beleive that this is a social cocept of how you text, what texting means and also how other people do it so it becomes more apparent for them to follow the same 'trends'.

Friday 10 January 2014

My Invesitgation:

How often people over the age of 40 use abreviations in their language when talking to their children.

In the guradian article ''2b or not 2b'' David Crystal argues that texting is ''pillaging our punctuation; savaging our sentances; raping our vocabulary.''

i will be testing this hypothesis by carrying out an investigation on how older people type when they write texts to their family members.