Monday 14 October 2013

Twitter technology

Technology Blog

Technology: Twitters reputation; good or bad?

With so many social networking sites growing at the speed of lighting, how has twitter been able to keep up?

How is it that a social networking site that reported have retained a measly £92,408 retrained profit last year, is becoming one of the most successful in the industry? It has been said that Twitter is worth at least $11bn (£7.3bn) on the flotation stock market, but with many other companies such as Facebook and Instagram gaining more popularity, how is it competing?

For those of you out there that don't use or haven't heard about Twitter its a collection of individual blogs (similar to Facebook) where people have the ability to post there daily thoughts and actions, known as 'Tweets'. It is available for anybody to use and accessible from anywhere (as long as you have internet access).

Twitter has over 100 million active users compared to this, 50 percent of these users log into their account every single day. I huge quantity of these users are from the U.S. that's a massive 100 million of the total 500 million people from all over the world that use it.

I think its safe to say that Twitter is expanding rather rapidly and definitely keeping up with the competition from major social networking sites, even though it doesn't seem that way. 

1 comment:

  1. Good work on integrating facts. Quotes? I like the idea/throughline of 'how is it competing', but you need to create more cohesion by answering an aspect of that every paragraph. Check your punctuation: look closely at your headline. Proofread carefully before you post.
